I recently ran into a situation where some Linux based Thunderbird users needed access to the Exchange 2010 GAL. Here were the settings that work. The […]
You must use caution when changing the IIS settings for Exchange 2010. The reason is simple. Powershell or the Exchange management console EMC uses IIS to […]
If you try to delete an Exchange 2010 mailbox and you get an error. ——————————————————– Microsoft Exchange Error ——————————————————– The mailbox database ‘Mailbox Database 1355317859’ cannot […]
To fix this you must authorize Roku. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Froku.com%2Fphotofeed&h=7694b You will then have an issue where Roku cannot find your photo stream. To fix you must give […]