Safelist Aggregation in Outlook 2003 and 2007
July 13, 2009EMS and pipeing can be very powerful
July 13, 2009In the c:Program filesMicrosoftExchange ServerScripts directory there exists a powershell script called ExportEdgeConfig.ps1. You can backup your Edge Transport by executing the following command
From Exchange management shell
./ExportEdgeConfig -cloneConfigData:”c:CloneConfigData.xml”
To restore:
./importedgeconfig -CloneConfigData:”C:CloneConfigData.xml’ -IsImport $false -CloneConfigAnswer:”C:CloneConfigAnswer.xml”
This will create a CloneConfigAnswer.xml file. If everything was correct it will be blank if not you will have to modify it and import it.
./importedgeconfig -CloneConfigData:”c:CloneConfigData.xml” -IsImport $true -CloneConfigAnswer:”c:cloneConfigAnswer.xml”