Exchange 2007 won't receive emails
December 8, 2009Offline Files Issues
January 15, 2010@echo off
set zLog=ResetHomePerms.log
echo This script will reset permissions for all subdirectories
echo in this folder. It is assumed that the subdirectories
echo are named the same as their respective username.
choice /C YN /M “Are you sure you want to proceed?”
if errorlevel 2 GOTO :Exit
if errorlevel 1 GOTO :MAIN
if exist %zLog% del %zlog% >NUL
choice /C CF /M “Do you want users to have (C)hange or (F)ull control permissions?”
if errorlevel 2 GOTO ResetF
if errorlevel 1 GOTO ResetC
echo Granting users FULL permissions
echo Granting users FULL permissions >>%zlog%
for /f %%i in (‘dir /b /ad’) do @echo %%i >>%zLog% && echo y|cacls %%i /T /g Administrators:F >NUL && cacls %%i /T /e /g %userdomain%%%i:F >>%zLog% && echo **********>>%Zlog%
REM rem out or modify the following line if you do not want to give Domain Admins Full control
for /f %%i in (‘dir /b /ad’) do @echo %%i >>%zLog% && cacls %%i /T /e /g “%userdomain%Domain Admins”:F >>%zLog% && echo **********>>%Zlog%
goto :CLOSE
echo Granting users CHANGE permissions
echo Granting users CHANGE permissions >>%zlog%
for /f %%i in (‘dir /b /ad’) do @echo %%i >>%zLog% && echo y|cacls %%i /T /g Administrators:F >NUL && cacls %%i /T /e /g %userdomain%%%i:C >>%zLog% && echo **********>>%Zlog%
REM rem out or modify the following line if you do not want to give Domain Admins Full control
for /f %%i in (‘dir /b /ad’) do @echo %%i >>%zLog% && cacls %%i /T /e /g “%userdomain%Domain Admins”:F >>%zLog% && echo **********>>%Zlog%
goto :CLOSE
echo. >>%zLog%
date /t >>%zlog% && time /t >>%zLog%
echo See %zlog% for details
set zLog=
set zLogError=
echo Exiting script