1. In the register Editor, locate and the following key: a. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpip6 Parameters2. If the DisabledComponents key doesnt exist, please create it.a. In the Edit menu, point […]
Open Exchange Management Shell Type in get-receiveconnector This will list all of your receive connectors Next type in set-receiveconnector -identity ServerNameInternet -ConnectionTimeout 00:30:00 This command will change […]
Open the exchange management shell and run the following commands Run this command to view your current configuration Get-RecipientFilterConfig | fl Then run this command to […]
Go into your Exchange Management Console Click on Organization Configuration>Edge Transport or Hub Transport depending on what your setup is like. Click on the anti-spam tab […]
Open up the Exchange Management Console in 2007. Navigate to the system drive %Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerScripts then run the following commands ./install-AntispamAgents.ps1 Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport Once this is done […]
Go to Exchange management console. Go to Organization Configuration. Go to Hub Tranport. Click on remote domains tab. Double click the default. Click on the tab […]
If you are having a problem when you right click on anything and an installer tries to launch then download the Windows Installer cleaup. The program […]
10:37:58 Synchronizer Version 12.0.6315 10:37:58 Synchronizing Mailbox 10:37:58 Synchronizing Hierarchy 10:37:58 Synchronizing server changes in folder ‘Inbox’ 10:37:58 Downloading from server 10:37:58 Synchronizing server changes in […]