4500 S Lakeshore Drive Tempe, AZ 85282

4500 E Speedway Blvd Tucson, AZ 85712 

February 6, 2009

Is your Wireless Network Secure

Networking professionals are encouraging people to think twice about wireless network security. You might be thinking I use WEP-128 bit encryption with MAC address filtering, I’m […]
February 6, 2009

Tired of Spam? Got Exchange?

Most network administrators are apt to here this complaint at least once a week. “I’ve been getting a lot of junk email lately, isn’t there anything […]
February 6, 2009

What is virtualization

There is a lot of buzz going around about Virtualization. What is Virtualization, and what benefits does it provide? In this article we will take a […]
February 6, 2009

LCD or Plasma?

I know this is a topic is a little off for this blog. But I’ve been faced with this issue from many clients who are looking […]