4500 S Lakeshore Drive Tempe, AZ 85282

4500 E Speedway Blvd Tucson, AZ 85712 

May 4, 2010

Secure Offsite Backups

If you are looking for an easy way to get affordable offsite backups you should consider purchasing Mozy. Mozy uses 128-bit encryption which ensures your data […]
January 28, 2010

Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet

  Hosts Netmask Amount of a Class C /30 4 1/64 /29 8 1/32 /28 16 1/16 /27 32 1/8 /26 64 […]
July 13, 2009

Sending an email with Powershell

$SmtpServer = “yourServer” $From = me@N2NetworkSolutions.com if ($args.Length -lt 1) {      $To = Engineers@N2NetworkSolutions.com } else {      $to = $args[0] } $subject = “Need […]
February 26, 2009

Can't print through RDP?

Check the event log.  If you are getting an error that says 1111 then you need to install the print driver on the server itself.  This […]
February 10, 2009

Small Business computer support

Are you looking for small business computer support?  Have you considered IT outsourcing?  It can save you literally thousands of dollars a year.  You do not […]