What folders should be excluded? Mailbox Server Role: You must exclude specific directories for each Exchange server or server role on which you run a file-level antivirus […]
Pipelining in Exchange Management Shell can be very powerful. For instance if you do this command get-mailbox | where-object { $_.name -like “john*” } | set-Mailbox […]
In the c:Program filesMicrosoftExchange ServerScripts directory there exists a powershell script called ExportEdgeConfig.ps1. You can backup your Edge Transport by executing the following command From Exchange […]
There is a feature of Exchange 2007 that allows users to copy their whitelist of approved senders, recipients, domains, and external contacts to the Edge Transport […]
You must export the Edge transport subscription file which is in XML format. Make sure ports 50389(LDAP) and 50636(Secure LDAP) are open between the hub server and […]
Set-ContentFilterConfig -QuantineMailbox NoSpam@YourDomain.com You should dedicate an Exchange database to this mailbox so that you can set the retention policy or recipient policy to restrict the […]