Setting up dual internet connections without BGP on a cisco router
December 13, 2010After removing Exchange 2010 and trying to reinstall you get error Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database
December 17, 2010Okay, so what does tasklist /svc from a command prompt tell us?
Ah ha…it’s our Firewall monitoring service ….see that MSSQL$MSFW? That’s our ISA server monitoring that indeed needs to be throttled.
If you’ve checked out the instructions on the SBS 2003 sp1 document [the community one, not the official one], you’ll know that the recommendation is to perform a command to throttle that instance. So we open a command prompt and do the following:
Open a command prompt and type in the following instructions:
Osql –E –S %computername%MSFW
sp_configure ‘show advanced options’,1
reconfigure with override
sp_configure ‘max server memory’,NNNN (Where NNNN is the amount of ram in mb. Recommended amount is 100 MB for SBS)
reconfigure with override
and end the command with
As you can see the commit charge has now gone way down.
And you can see that PID 1612 [our firewall monitoring msde instance] is no longer sucking that memory.
And I’m once again a happy camper… along with my SBS box.