I recently ran into a situation where some Linux based Thunderbird users needed access to the Exchange 2010 GAL. Here were the settings that work. The […]
You must use caution when changing the IIS settings for Exchange 2010. The reason is simple. Powershell or the Exchange management console EMC uses IIS to […]
Changing the Interal OWA URL, OOF, OAB, and Unified Message Service URL in Exchange 2007 Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | fl *url* Find the string you want to change […]
The Exchange Administration Delegation Wizards allows you to define roles at the organization level, or at the administrative group level. Where you define a role, combined […]
Upgrade Order CAS UM HUB EDGE MAILBOX Upgrade passive node first Browse to the SP2 files setup.com /Mode:Upgrade restart and wait for server to come back […]
Pipelining in Exchange Management Shell can be very powerful. For instance if you do this command get-mailbox | where-object { $_.name -like “john*” } | set-Mailbox […]
To move databases Start Exchange System Manager. Open the administrative group that contains the database that you want to change. Under Storage Group, right-click the mailbox […]
Offline database maintenance can take a significant amount of time typically one hour for every 5 gigabytes of information. Not to mention your database has to […]