December 23, 2010
4500 S Lakeshore Drive Tempe, AZ 85282
4500 E Speedway Blvd Tucson, AZ 85712
December 17, 2010
To first resolve this problem obviously you need a domain controller in the same site as the Exchange 2010 server you are trying to install. It […]
December 17, 2010
Here is the error: Summary: 5 item(s). 1 succeeded, 1 failed. Elapsed time: 00:00:09 Preparing Setup Completed Elapsed Time: 00:00:06 Hub Transport Role Failed Error: The […]
December 14, 2010
Okay, so what does tasklist /svc from a command prompt tell us? Ah ha…it’s our Firewall monitoring service ….see that MSSQL$MSFW? That’s our ISA server monitoring […]
December 13, 2010
hostname Router ! ip cef !####First we are going to setup a monitor that will use icmp or ping to contact the gateway of ISP1. It […]
December 13, 2010
config t ip domain-name crypto key generate rsa usage-keys modulus 1024 wr mem
December 13, 2010
Router-2(config)#line vty 0 4 Router-2(config-line)#login % Login disabled on line 66, until ‘password’ is set % Login disabled on line 67, until ‘password’ is set % […]
November 30, 2010
To change the enable password: enable password N3wP@ssw0rd To change the telnet password: password N3wP@ssw0rd
November 17, 2010
Allowing relay in Exchange 2007 requires the use the command shell. Here are the steps: 1. Open Exchange Management console and go to Server configuration>hub transport. […]