Velocity has made a strategic decision to start offering Proofpoint services due to their highly respected platform for email security, archiving, and encryption. Proofpoint’s document on […]
You may have recently migrated to Office365 from an on premise solution. You assume all is good from a security perspective. However, this whitepaper explains why […]
This PDF is an excellent explanation of where Fortinet is going and why you should be securing your infrastructure using Fortinet. NSE-L1-M06-Corp-Overview-Q2-2015-bshark.pptx
This is the FortiGate Cookbook for FortiOS 5.2. This will help you configure security, WiFi, Authentication, VPN’s, IPv6, Fortinet Integration, and some expert configuration instructions. fortigate-cookbook-52
When the website was hacked the hackers released the entire dump of hashed passwords. Hashed passwords are passwords that have been converted from plaintext to […]
When you are looking for enterprise-class business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) for your virtualized IT infrastructure & cloud Zerto is one of the best solutions […]