Microsoft confirmed that they will be releasing Office 2010 in June of 2010. It is codenamed Office 14. This will be their first version to support […]
If you’ve ever used Google ChatBack you know it’s an excellent utility for chatting with web vistors. However, if you’re not using a standard gmail account […]
If you have 2 text documents i.e. a Cisco router/switch/firwall config and you need to see the highlighted differences you can use a utility called CSDIFF.
Microsoft now offers Microsoft Security Essentials. It is a free product which removes spyware, virus, and malicious software from your PC. The link to download the […]
Open command prompt Go to c:windows run regedit from here Go here HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT exefile shell open command Double click default and change exactly to this “%1” […]
If you are having a problem when you right click on anything and an installer tries to launch then download the Windows Installer cleaup. The program […]