Error in gmail that says IMAP server has closed connection. The port configuration is 993. Solution: Tools / Email Accounts / (your account) / Change / More […]
Open registry editor. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftOffice12.0Registration Under this there is a subkey that is a long GUID. Click on that and find the following keys. DigitalProductID & […]
If someone running Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint or any office application that is the 2007 version sends you a file they created there is a good […]
Perhaps some of you have heard of a Google program called Latitude. It is an application you can install on your Blackberry, Windows mobile phone, or […]
Normal redirection for printers in remote desktop only applies to local printers(COM and LPT). You need to edit the registry to allow for the clients network […]