4500 S Lakeshore Drive Tempe, AZ 85282

4500 E Speedway Blvd Tucson, AZ 85712 

August 15, 2009

Configure Public folder replication

Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 Topic Last Modified: 2007-08-24 This topic explains how to use the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell […]
July 28, 2009

Installing BES Express for Exchange 2003

Installing BES for Microsoft Exchange http://na.blackberry.com/eng/support/preinstallation/exchange.jsp#tab_tab_step1   Create a new user in AD name the user BESAdmin Add the user to the administrators group Go to […]
July 26, 2009

Create a certificate request on CAS server in Exchange 2007

Example 1: New-ExchangeCertificate –GenerateRequest –Path c:CAS.txt –SubjectName cn=CAS1.YourDomainName.com –DomainName mail.YourDomainName.com, CAS1, CAS1.YourDomainName.com –IncludeAcceptedDomains –IncludeAutodiscover –PrivateKeyExportable $true   Example 2: New-ExchangeCertificate –GenerateRequest   –SubjectName“cn=mail.YourDomain.com”`  -DomainName webmail.YourDomainName.com, autodiscover.YourDomainName.com,  mail.YourDomainName.com, cashub2007.YourDomain.local […]